Welcome to Nordregio Forum 2020: Sustainable Tourism Post-Covid, 3rd February 2021
2020 has been a tough year for tourism and we are yet to witness the full regional and national impacts across the world. This year also provides an opportunity to take a step back and ponder what kind of tourism is sustainable in the long run? Has the business been financially, socially, and environmentally beneficial for the region? How do we handle the tourism paradox?
Check the recordings and presentations under "links and publications".
Marking the end of the Nordic collaboration programme for regional development 2017-2020 with four digital events, we will share final results from the thematic groups and discuss with external experts. Starting on the 11th of November with "Non-functioning housing markets in the Nordics", continuing on the 18th with "Planning and policies for inclusive towns and cities", "Skills, matching and future workplaces" on the 23rd of November, and finally, we round-up with Sustainable Tourism Post-Covid on the 3rd of February 2021.
The events are closely connected to the work of the Nordic Thematic Groups on Regional Development and Planning 2017-2020. More information about the groups and their work can be found on the page "Links and Publications", found in the top bar.