Photo by Vaida Ražaitytė, Nordregio

Links for the fourth session, in 2021:

Report: Planning for sustainable tourism in the Nordics
Report: Planning for sustainable tourism in the Nordic rural regions - examples
Report: Regional tourism satellite accounts for the Nordic countries

Arvid Viken:
Jonathan Yachin, Doctoral thesis: Behind the Scenes of Rural Tourism: A Study of Entrepreneurship in Micro-Firms. 
CRT Bornholm
Visit Faroe Islands
Pihka Outdoors
Visit Åland

Anna Karlsdóttir & Ágúst Bogason, part 1
Anna Karlsdóttir & Ágúst Bogason, part 2
Anna Karlsdóttir & Ágúst Bogason, part 3
Anna Karlsdóttir & Ágúst Bogason, part 4
Arvid Viken

Recording part one
Recording part two

Links and recordings from the first three sessions:

Recordings of session one, in 2020:
Part one
Part two

Presentations from session one, in 2020:
Egon Noe
Moa Tunström
Søren Qvist Eliasen

Recordings of session two, in 2020:
Part one
Part two

Presentations from session two, in 2020:
Timothy Heleniak part 1
Timothy Heleniak part 2
Mats Stjernberg and Sandra Oliveira e Costa part 1
Mats Stjernberg and Sandra Oliveira e Costa part 2
Claus Bech-Danielsen

Recordings of session three, in 2020:
Part one
Part two

Presentations from session three, in 2020:
Oskar Penje
Anna Karlsdóttir
Anna Lundgren
Sveinung Skule

Useful links and relevant publications

The themes of this year's Forum events are tightly connected to work of the Nordic Thematic Groups for Regional Development and Planning 2017-2020. Several of the projects presented are funded by the groups, and we would therefore like to share more information about the groups, their work and publications. Each group has its own website which you can access through the links below:

Nordregio publications featured in Session #1

Building affordable homes: Challenges and solutions in the Nordic Region

Rural housing challenges in the Nordic region

Nordregio publications featured in Session #2

Overcoming barriers to social inclusion in Nordic cities through policy and planning
Executive summary

Other relevant Nordregio projects are NordGreen, Urban visions of the green and recreative city and Nordic Sustainable Cities.

Nordregio publications featured in Session #3

Skills Policies – Building Capacities for Innovative and Resilient Nordic Regions
Enabling vulnerable youth in rural areas not in education, employment or training
Young people not thriving in rural areas

Maps featured in Session #3

Share of jobs at “high risk” of automation
Labour market impacts of COVID-19

Links to our speakers’ projects, reports and initiatives:
Nordic Safe Cities
Swedish Local Agenda 2030 Hub
Med hjerte for Arendal
Anna Granath Hansson
Egon Noe: Boligfinansiering i laddistrikterne

Antti Kurvinen:
Book: (published in June 2020): Lönsamhetskalkyl för hållbart bostadsbyggande

Kompetanse Norge

More to come!